Lindberg Kid/Teen
light · flexible · strong
超輕 · 柔韌 · 耐用
Best Eyewear:
Lindberg Kid/Teen is our no. 1 children’s line. Parents don’t come in every other day to have frames adjusted or repaired as in the case with most of other children’s frames.
Lindberg Kid/Teen 是我們最好的童裝眼鏡系列。有別於其他眼鐃,Lindberg Kid/Teen 鏡框可免除家長時常要調較和維修眼鏡的煩惱。
Why we know Lindberg being the best?
Our kids wear Lindberg too!
點解我知 Lindberg 是最好? 因為我們的子女也是戴 Lindberg的!

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Safe / Hypoallergenic:
安全 / 低至敏:
LINDBERGH Kid/Teen is hypoallergenic as the frames are nickel-free, unlike most other flex-metal children's frames. LINDBERG Kid/Teen has wide choice of colour combinations.
有別於其他彈性金屬兒童框架,不含鎳LINDBERGH Kid/Teen是低至敏的眼鏡框。LINDBERGH Kid/Teen有多種顏色可供選擇。

Best Material:
LINDBERG uses only a special type of titanium, which is also used for pacemakers and dental regulation. In addition to being hypoallergenic, this type of titanium is extremely lightweight, flexible and strong.
LINDBERG 嚴選心臟起搏器及牙科治療用的醫學鈦金屬為眼鏡框架的材質。不止低至敏,這種頂級鈦金屬也是超輕,柔韌和耐用的。

Specially designed to meet the preferences of increasingly fashion-conscious children and young people, with a degree of durability, flexibility, for active children and teenagers.
LINDBERG 是注重時尚和耐用的不二之選。

12 year old Cameron – USA National Team Member – wearing LINDBERG RIM Eyeglasses
美國國家隊體操運動員也是戴 LINDBERG RIM 的。
Best of the Best - LINDBERG RIM
Among LINDBERG product lines, RIM is the best choice for kids, teens and even babies.
眾多 LINDBERG 系列中,RIM (鈦絲) 系列是最適合兒童、青少及嬰兒配戴的。
Virtually Unbreakable RIM series:
幾乎不會破爛的 RIM 鈦絲系列:
Thanks to the extreme flexibility and strength of the titanium wire, the LINDBERG Kid/Teen frames are so strong that they will hardly ever cause any problems, not even in rough and tumble situations or when playing games.
依靠鈦絲 (titanium wire) 柔韌和耐用的優點,LINDBERG Kid/Teen 眼鏡框都十分強韌。即是遊戲時,遇上粗野和摔倒的情況,LINDBERG Kid/Teen 眼鏡框也可輕鬆應付。
The fact that the LINDBERG RIM frames virtually disappear on the face is a big plus for parents who want to see their child and not the eyewear.
還有一點! LINDBERG RIM 鈦絲眼鏡框十分低調,仿佛隱形於小孩的臉上。是對於想保持小朋友天生輪廓的家長的不二之選。

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Why are kids love with LINDBERG?
"As for the children, they simply forget that they are wearing glasses!" Jacqueline Stanley Opticians, New Jersey, USA
"As it is the only eyewear my daughter didn't refuse to wear!" Dr. Forrest Ng PhD,Optometrist, Hong Kong
點解小朋友都喜歡 LINDBERG?
“對於孩子們,他們直覺是忘了自己戴眼鏡!” 美國新澤西州 Jacqueline Stanley Opticians 公司
“因為這是我女兒唯願意佩戴的眼鏡!” 香港視光師 Forrest Ng 博士
LINDBERG nose pads are made of medical silicone. The design allows for the nose pad to adapt to the individual nose, and the silicone material provides optimum comfort and keeps the spectacles in place.
LINDBERG 鼻托是用醫療矽膠製成。其設計使每支鏡框皆能舒適、穩固在臉上。
"It looks good, you can barely feel that you are wearing glasses and the frames can resist virtually anything…"

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