mini Zio
strong· stable
Kid eyewear:
Designing comfortable eyewear is hardly child’s play. But in the exciting new mini zio series it’s exactly that-fun eyewear that is fashionable enough for adults but designed for kids.
計舒適的 兒量眼鏡 並非易事, 但在令人興奮的 mini Zio 系列, 孩子們就可以找到和成人一樣時尚, 舒適的眼鏡。
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Stronge + Durable:
The Wrap and Gum series are feather light and durable enough to withstand the adventures of any child.
Mini Zio Wrap系列敦計輕巧,堅固耐用,足以抵禦孩子的任何冒險。
The traditional metal temple has been replaced by a high quality thermoplastic called “grilamid”. Mini Zio Wrap and Gum series are super lightweight, flexible, heat-resistant frames for longer comfort wear during sports and leisure time.
Mini Zio 棄用傳統的金屬框臂, 採用高品質的“grilamid”熱塑性稱塑料製造出超輕, 富彈力, 耐熱的框臂。不論做運動或遊玩,mini Zio 也不易變形。
This lightweight, non-allergic material will allow your kids to jump, play or even go crazy while they clearly see the world around them.
這款輕巧,不過敏的材料將讓您的孩子瘋狂地跳,玩 ,也可以清楚地看到周圍的世界
Mini Zio frame fronts are cut out from a single piece of quality alloy, making Zio eyewear less prone to deformation and breakage.
Mini Zio 框架前面部份都是由一整塊的合金切割而成,使Zio眼鏡不容易變形和破裂。
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