Superior comfort, and breathtaking design have been seamlessly merged together into one masterpiece.

100% made in Italy
Quality sunglasses - Made in Italy since 1985
意大利製造 - 優質大陽眼鏡
RX-friendly products / Revolutionary ImpactRX
ImpactX photochromic and polarised lenses
防撞 ImpactX 變色鏡和偏光鏡
Total Comfort, adjustability and full customization
舒適, 容易調較和高度客製化
Adjustable temple and nosepiece to eliminate pinching
Innovative venting solutions to cut fogging
Unique lightweight materials
Tested and approved by pro athletes worldwide
Patented interchangeable lenses solutions
Brand spirit / 理念:
The love for progress, passion for style and attention to quality have given life to an exclusive collection of technologically-advanced sports eyewear. “Technically Cool” is the company payoff, two words which best express the essential characteristics of each Rudy Project product.
上進的心,時尚的觸覺和對質量的重視給予先進運動眼鏡生命力。 “Techincally Cool”正是它的價值,這兩個字最能表達Rudy Project產品的基本理念。

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Prescription ready 可配度數:
The Rudy Project Rx (prescription) insert can support a wide variety of prescriptions (such as progressive lenses) and gives eyeglass wearers a new sleek solution to age-old problem of bulky Rx eyewear. The nose pad and temple tips are adjustable to fit the face of every wearer.
Rudy Project 度數插鏡可配置多種光學度數鏡片,如老花漸進鏡,為配戴者提供放便舒適的視覺體驗。Rudy Project 的鼻托和框臂均可跟隨面形調較。

Offering freeform single vision and progressive lens design for performance sport wraps, ImpactRX™ is the world’s most advanced digital back surface lens program, fully personalized for your lifestyle. We’ve combined a revolutionary lens material with the best 8 base wrap design to create the best prescription sports lens in the world !
直接度數插鏡(可更換): 最先進的ImpactRX™是高孤度運動鏡片。它是量身數碼訂製的單光度或漸進鏡。完美地為專業運動員提供最好的視覺體驗。

If you’re a contact lens wearer but want another option if your eyes become irritated or you simply don’t have the budget for prescription sport sun lenses such as ImpactRX™, Rudy Project has another option for you. Our RX Direct Clips allow opticians to easily edging prescription lenses in office without the need of complex cutting machines. Thanks to a patented smart mounting system, they can be removed in a snap. This solution offers patients the versatility of interchangeable clear and sun RX lenses in the same frame.
直接度數插件: Rudy Project RX Diect Clips 是代替高孤度ImpactRX™插鏡的配件。大大擴闊了適用鏡片的種類和度數的限制。

Rudy Project has created prescription optical clips that fit in snugly behind the non-prescription (plano) lenses. Our patented “easy-in, easy-out” system enables insertion or removal of our clips with ease. Your patients can manage varying light conditions by swapping their plano lenses while minimizing their investment in prescription lenses.
負加鏡框: 安放在平光太陽鏡後,可安裝不同度數的鏡片。配戴者可跟據環境更換前面平光太陽鏡片。

Mount any type of lens, without any limitation. Choose any material, any color, any treatment, almost any power, single vision or progressive. For our Maya™ and Indyo™ frames the possibilities are limitless. Designed for sport but ideal for any occasion, the SUF serve up a fashionable, functional and flexible eyewear option for individuals with vision correction needs.
通用太陽鏡: Maya™ 和 Indyo™ 框架加上插鏡框,近乎可配置任可光學度數,是優閒時尚及運動功能的平衡結合。

Our flip-ups are equipped with Quick Change™ interchangeable lens technology allowing players and athletes to manage any light condition on field, on bike or on the green. It is perfect for any sport where it is necessary to see true light quickly (e.g., baseball, biathlon, golf, shooting, archery, etc.) or eliminate fogging. The removable optical inserts can support a wide variety of prescriptions.
翻起式太陽鏡: 配備了Quick Change™換鏡技術,無論在球場,在單車或草地上都可快速適應還境的光線變化。

Designed for sport but ideal for any occasion, the ophthalmic solutions serve up a fashionable, functional and flexible eyewear option for individuals with correction needs. This unique and extraordinary solution adapts perfectly to different contexts: from cycling to running, from tennis to golf, from the office to the night out on the town.
常用度數眼鏡: 時尚、功能集於一體的多用途運動風格眼鏡,適合不同場合使用,如單車、跑步、網球、高爾夫球及上班。
Fully Adjustable 易容調較設計:
The Rudy Project Rx (prescription) insert can support a wide variety of prescriptions (such as progressive lenses) and gives eyeglasses wearers a new sleek solution to age-old problem of bulky Rx eyewear. The nose pad and temple tips are adjustable to fit the face of every wearer.
Rudy Project 的度數插鏡適合配置多種的光學度數 (包括漸進老花鏡) ,可帶給配戴者舒適的視覺體驗。Rudy Project 的鼻托和框臂的設計容許大範圍的調較,確保太陽鏡可以牢牢的穩定在配戴者的臉上。

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Best Material 頂級物料:
Building on ImpactX technology and after years of laboratory research and field tests with professional athletes, Rudy Project is today proud to introduce ImpactX 2 , a new array of technical lenses perfected with unparalleled cutting- edge photochromic particles, providing unique climatic management technology: getting dark from low to high light transmission within few seconds and tailored to reach a custom color from an initial clear state, ImpactX 2 lenses will enhance contrast , even in darker conditions, they will improve visual acuity and depth perception while providing unparalleled eye protection.
在 ImpactX 物料科技的其礎上,經過多年的研究改良,配合專業運動員的意見,Rudy Project 創造出 ImpactX 2 鏡片物料。ImpactX 2 是由一系列的高科技感UV變色粒子組成,可提供全天候光線調控。它的色調可迅速由淺變深,提升視力對比度、視力和距離感。Impactx 2 更為專業運動員提供獨一無二的保護。
Impact resistance 衝擊防護:
ImpactX is a family of patented polyurethane optical polymers, transparent and unbreakable, originally developed for military and aerospace requirements to provide bullet-proof, transparent, and light-weight material capable of providing superior protection, reliability and longer lasting performance than polycarbonate.
ImpactX 是一種專利的聚氨酯光學聚合物材料,透明且堅固耐用,最初用於軍事和航空航天領域。ImpactX 有防彈,透明和輕巧的特性,能夠提供比聚碳酸酯更可靠性和更持久的保護。
ImpactX® lenses are guaranteed unbreakable for life. The molecular semi-rigid properties are developed exclusively for Rudy Project and ensure the physical protection of your eyes against impacts, chemical and atmospheric agents; but because they are semi-rigid they will also minimize injuries during impact of fall.
Rudy Project 為 ImpactX® 鏡片提供終身保固。 其半剛屬性 (有彈性) 分子結構是專為 Rudy Project 開發,確保眼睛安全,為配戴者提供撞擊、化學品和噴霧劑的物理防護。因為 ImpactX 的半剛性特質,所以它們也會緩衝摔倒的衝擊傷害。

Prescription adjustment for wrap lens by EYE.hk
There are more and more curved wrap design eyewear frames in the market. There is a common symptom of the wearer regarding the adaptation to those wrap eyewear frames, such as fatigue, eyestrain and blur vision. In optics, it is due to the tilted manner the visual axis passing through the wrap lenses. That induces some image aberration called "oblique astigmatism".
市面上出現愈來愈多的弧形設計眼鏡框,常有配戴者遇上適應的問題,如疲倦和視力糢糊。其實,這些都是因為當眼睛的視線傾斜穿過鏡片後產生"斜軸散光"(oblique astigmatism")像差 (aberration)所引至。
Traditionally, optometrist may suggest wearer to flatten the curve or wrap angle of the frames to minimize the impact of the aberration. However, that will cause negative influence on the appearance and protection of the original design of the eyewear.
In our center, we will use state of the art equipment to measure the tilting and wrap angle of the eyewear. The data will be send to optical laboratory for improve of the peripheral optical performance of the lenses. That will ensure wearer the greatest performance with the eyewear.